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RIM executive says BlackBerry 10 will cover all price points

RIM CMO Frank Boulben says that the new BlackBerry 10 OS will eventually be available in a range of devices covering lowmiddleand high price points. The Canadian manufacturer is set to introduce the new BlackBerry 10 OS on January 30th and will reveal two new models on that date. One will be an all-touch model and the other will have the familiar BlackBerry physical QWERTY on the device. These are probably the BlackBerry Z10 and BlackBerry X10 models; pictures of both have already leaked.

According to Boulben, RIM will release at least six BlackBerry 10 models this year and the company has no exclusive relationship in place with any carrier in any region. "We intend over time as we transition the portfolio to have a full range of devices," said the CMO in an interview at CES 2013 in Las Vegas. He noted that 150 carriers throughout the globe are currently testing the new devices.

The excitement is building and in three weeks, we will have a better idea if BlackBerry 10 will make RIMrelevant once again.

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