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Apple's Phil Schiller might not have denied existence of 'cheap' iPhone after all

Yesterday, an interesting report surfaced, allegedly quoting Apple’s marketing guru Phil Schiller as shooting down the rumor of a cheaper iPhone coming up this year. To be perfectly correct, Schiller was quoted as allegedly saying a more affordable iPhone “would never be the future of Apple.”
The report has originally appeared in the Shanghai Times and The Next Web was the first to publish the news, picked up later on by Reuters and other major news outlets.

However, the quote that The Next Web had allegedly verified turns out to be not so true-to-fact as Reuters found out the Shanghai Times heavily edited the story and its validity could not be confirmed. Reuters has now pulled the story from its website with no plans to correct it or bring it back.

So after all, while this does not give any additional weight to the cheaper iPhone rumor, it does keep it possible. Looking back, we’d see no other than the Wall Street Journal, a publication often said to have close ties with Apple and a nearly perfect track reccord, start the cheap iPhone rumor along with Taiwanese DigiTimes with its notorious ‘industry sources.’

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