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Wishful thinking? Google mistakes its own Nexus for iPhone

Wishful thinking? Google mistakes its own Nexus for iPhoneThe Nexus 4 is probably the most sought after device on the planet right now, with supply so tight it just cannot meet the demand. The device is obviously so precious for Google, it internally calls it... an iPhone. This is what happens when Google is the only one to develop the platform and there is no one to check about mistakes in the code.

The hilarious slip happened in the Swedish translation of Android 4.2 where one of the notifications mistakes the Nexus for an iPhone, and pops up the following message (rough translation follows):

"WARNING! Any operator data charges may apply. The configuration of the iPhone can require significant network activity.”
The issue was originally noticed on a Samsung Galaxy Nexus, but it can also be reproduced on a Nexus 4. A change in the Android Open Source Project has already fixed the issue, but its existence is what’s fun in the first place. You can try and reproduce it by going into /system/app/SetupWizard.apk on your Nexus.

source: Android via RedditAndroid Police

Wishful thinking? Google mistakes its own Nexus for iPhone
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