Unfortunately, WhatsApp will not be one of those applications. WhatsApp is a nicely executed cross-platform instant messaging service that provides delivery confirmation. It also has proven to be a consistent performer and has about 20 millions users. The app is currently available across most smartphone operating systems, Android, iOS, BlackBerry 7, Windows Phone, even Symbian and Nokia S40. After receiving an inquiry about the upcoming BlackBerry 10 release, the response from WhatsApp said simply, “We have no plans to support BlackBerry 10 at the moment, sorry.”
Okay, so you see “at the moment” and think, “Well, that means they might support it later!” We do not want to rob you of that ray of hope, so hold on to it if you want to. Alas, as it stands now, at best case, WhatsApp will not be available when BlackBerry 10 launches. However, it is certainly reasonable to think that WhatsApp would develop their app for BlackBerry 10 if it proves to be the success that RIM says it will be.
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