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Video shows Sony Xperia TL running Android 4.1.2

Video shows Sony Xperia TL running Android 4.1.2
The Sony Xperia TL
The Sony Xperia TL
Sony has already let it be known that the Sony Xperia T will be one of the first Xperia models to receive the Jelly Bean update. But that is not expected to happen until February at the earliest, and could happen in March. Meanwhile, a leaked version of the update was installed on the Sony Xperia TL in Vietnam and displays some of the new features that will come with the update. This includes a new launcher, a new lock screen and some features taken from the upcoming Sony Xperia V, such as the Auto mode on the camera and ClearAudio+ mode for an improvement in the quality of audio on the phone.

The firmware is not final as apparently Google Now was not included and the camera functioned at 12MP rather than the 13MP that the camera should work at. There are also new wallpapers available and new applications for pictures and video content on the phone. The Sony Xperia TL is the LTE version of the James Bond phone available from AT&T. That probably explains the AT&T apps seen on the video.

The video shows us that the update is moving forward and while it seems far from complete, it should give Sony Xperia T and TL owners the confidence that Sony will deliver it on time.

source: SonyViet.vn (translated), XperiaBlog

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