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Thumb: Most discussed Christmas gifts are the Samsung Galaxy S III, Apple iPhone and Apple iPad

Thumb: Most discussed Christmas gifts are the Samsung Galaxy S III, Apple iPhone and Apple iPadIf you need the answer to a question, or an opinion, Thumb is the app that can get it for you. Promoting that it can get 50 to 100 responses in just a few minutes, 12 million people have signed up since the June 2012 launch. The average user spends 5 hours a month using the app. So with quite a varied number of opinions, Thumb took the first 250,000 and found that when it comes to holiday shopping this year, the top three products mentioned are, in no particular order, the Samsung Galaxy S III, the Apple iPhone and the Apple iPad. Of the top three brands mentioned, Apple was included along with Walmart and Victoria's Secret.

Thumb also mentioned that 21% of the opinions on the app were related to Christmas. Users were 14 times more likely to ask an opinion on a gift for a boyfriend/husband as opposed to a girlfriend/wife. Not surprisingly, Woman asked 40% more questions about holiday shopping than did men. And perhaps just a little bit surprising, the 13 to 17 year-olds led the way by asking 46% of the holiday shopping questions with the next largest group, 18-24, responsible for 24% of such questions.

Thumb allows those responding to a question to choose from thumbs upthumbs down or neutral. Comments are limited to a Twitter-esque 140 characters, and only the person who posed the question can see the comments. You can download the app free from the App Store or Google Play Store.

source: Thumb (1), (2)



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