If true, it won't be a big surprise given the purported specs of the device that Sony would give it the last letter in its Xperia line of Android handsets. The phone, that got previewed just recently, sports a 5" Full HD display, 12 MP Exmor RS sensor, 2 GB of RAM, a quad-core Snapdragon S4 Pro chipset with LTE radio, and a full suite of ports, including a microSD and microHDMI ones.
Add to this its waterproof certification for the slim and light body (final dimensions said to be 139 x 71 x 7.9mm), and the eventual Xperia Z will give any Android out there something to be ashamed about. We are gearing up for CES in a few short weeks, where Sony is expected to unveil it, so stay tuned for more about the Z.
source: XperiaBlog
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