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Tell Microsoft about your worst case of malware-related Droid Rage and you might get a "get-well" present

Tell Microsoft about your worst case of malware-related Droid Rage and you might get a Microsoft wants to hear about the worst malware story you can relay to them about your Android phone. Just a couple of weeks ago, none other than Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer called Android  "wild""uncontrolled" and "susceptible to malware". Perhaps that explains a tweet sent out by Microsoft that asks you to tweet your best/worst Android malware story to #DroidRage.While it hasn't explicitly been said, our guess is that the best Droid Rage stories will be rewarded with a new Windows Phone 8 smartphone. Already quite a few responses have hit the page.
If malware caused your Droid Rage, Microsoft wants to hear about it
If malware caused your Droid Rage, Microsoft wants to hear about it
If you've ever had a bad time with an Android Phone due to malware and your response was to set a new record for the Android phone toss, Microsoft wants to hear about it. By the way, there is some thought that the malware issue on Android is overstated. Because of the Sandbox method used by Android (and iOS) when it comes to apps, malware introduced to your handset through installing a rogue app cannot damage all of the systems on your phone. Another report found that the Google Play Store, considered to be festering with slimy malware just waiting to attack your phone,was responsible for just .5% of all of the malware discovered on Android handsets by security firm F-Secure.

Regardless, if the malware on your Android phone was enough to cause Droid Rage, it obviously is worth it to Steve Ballmer to reward you with a gift, perhaps a new Windows Phone 8, in return for confirming his thoughts on Android.

source: Microsoft
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