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Samsung shows off the Samsung ATIV S in two new videos

Samsung shows off the Samsung ATIV S in two new videosSure, HTC and Nokia got off to a head start in the Windows Phone 8 market as Samsung still has yet to release its entry in the market, the Samsung ATIV S. Despite some speculation that the phone won't see the light of day until February, the Korean manufacturer says that it will launch the phone later this month, in time to capture some holiday sales. While other manufacturers might have been fatally wounded by the delays that have occurred, Sammy gets a pass because of the good will it has earned with the fabulous success of both the Samsung Galaxy S series and the Samsung GALAXY Note phablets.

The Samsung ATIV S has advanced camera settings for the more serious photographer
The Samsung ATIV S has advanced camera settings for the more serious photographer
Samsung has released a couple of videos about the Samsung ATIV S. The first one takes a look at the design and softwareof the Samsung ATIV S. From that video, we are told that the device will be the thinnest Windows Phone 8 handset on the market. Most of the video is far from earth-shattering and the dialogue is a little inane. For example, "And if you scroll up and down we (sic) see how fast and smooth the new Windows Phone is". Much of the first video is spent showing how to pin an application to the start screen and how to customize the live tiles.

The second video deals with social networking and shows how you use your Samsung ATIV S to check Facebook and keep tabs on your peeps. The video also shows you the two different ways to open the camera app. One is by clicking on a tile and the second is by pressing a button that opens the camera quickly for an impromptu picture. The video discusses some of the advanced settings for those who want to customize their pictures.

Anyone more excited now to get the Samsung ATIV S as soon as its launched?

source: YouTube (1), (2)

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