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Samsung now holds 46% of the Android ecosystem

Samsung now holds 46% of the Android ecosystemWe've known for a while that Samsung is a huge company, and we've seen a few times that between it and Apple, those two companies cover the vast majority of smartphone revenue. But, now we're seeing what kind of growth Samsung has within the Android ecosystem itself, and it shows that as other manufacturers are flagging, Samsung now holds 46% market share of Android devices.

Samsung now holds 46  of the Android ecosystem
That means Samsung has doubled its share of the Android ecosystem compared to Q3 2011. The difference has been made up by drops in share by HTC, Motorola, and LG, with HTC having the larges year-on-year drop from 32% to just 16%. The "other" manufacturers gained share, but it's unclear what manufacturers really did the gaining there, although the smart money would be on Asian manufacturers like ZTE, and Huawei. We would be hesitant to assume Sony saw growth. 

The numbers come from MillennialMedia which uses its vast advertising network to measure impressions from various devices. Samsung is almost becoming a defacto choice for Android, but with devices like the HTC M7 on the horizon, do you think other manufacturers can push back?

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