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Polaroid confirms it will introduce an Android-based interchangeable lens camera at CES 2013

Polaroid confirms it will introduce an Android-based interchangeable lens camera at CES 2013Polaroid has now confirmed that it will introduce the first Android-based camera with interchangeable lenses at CES 2013 in mid-January. The camera maker teased the announcement to Imaging Resources, but gave no further specifics.

There will be an Android powered, interchangeable lens camera introduced by Polaroid at CES 2013," Scott Hardy, Polaroid president and chief executive wrote in an email. "Additional information and specs will be released during the show."
This confirms rumors about a compact mirrorless camera that showed on various websites just yesterday. The alleged name of the camera will be the Polaroid IM1836, and it is expected to be manufactured by Sakar.

Rumors speak about an 18.1-megapixel sensor, a 3.5-inch display and Android 4.x running on the camera.

As awesome as this sounds, we are not yet sure whether you’d be able to purchase this camera. Last year, Polaroid was also at CES unveiling its Android-based SC1630 16-megapixel point-and-shoot, but the camera never made it to retail shelves. Let’s hope this one would be different.

source: Imaging Resource

Polaroid confirms it will introduce an Android-based interchangeable lens camera at CES 2013

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