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Open source LauncherAdvanced pops up, aims for speed and simplicity

Open source LauncherAdvanced pops up, aims for speed and simplicityWhile not with an inspirational title LauncherAdvanced aims to win Android users' hearts and minds with simplicity and an open source nature. It has been released as an XDA-Devs thread beta, for everyone who wants to download and install the latest version.

The main features of LauncherAdvanced are two styles of grid, folders to organize apps, space in the dock icons and 5 homescreens. Speed is not an issue with any version of Android, and it supports ADW themes.

We took it for a spin, and, while it doesn't contain things which free launcher versions at the Play Store already sport, it is quick, stable, and, most importantly, you can use your favorite ADW themes, as the famed ADW Launcher itself has frankly become a tad bloated and slow. If you want to give it a try, head over to the source link below.

source: XDA-Devs

Open source LauncherAdvanced pops up, aims for speed and simplicity
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