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Men In Black III most blunder-filled movie

Men In Black III most blunder-filled movie
WILL Smith’s latest alien instalment Men In Black III has been named the most error-filled movie of 2012 in a new poll. Editors at MovieMistakes.com have compiled their annual list of the year’s most blunder-riddled films and Men in Black III blasted into the top spot with 63 goofs, more than twice as many as second placed Skyfall, which has 26. Jon Sandys, who runs the website, was surprised by how many bloopers were spotted in Men in Black III, saying, “Every movie has its share of mistakes, but 63 is unusually high so soon after it was released.” Andrew Garfield’s superhero debut in The Amazing Spider-Man swung into third place with 24 mistakes, and action-packed movie The Avengers is fourth with 22.
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