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Humor: How to (maybe not) use NFC

Humor: How to (maybe not) use NFCCertainly this has been thought of before, but now you can see how it might look in action. We have made a case for NFC in the past, and feel that for it to succeed, it will need applications beyond mobile payment

One area where it is finding a comfortable fit is with photo sharing. We have seen ads from Samsung touting it, and the “tap+send” feature on Windows Phone does the same thing. 

What has not been discussed or presented is the method of using NFC, tradecraft if you will. Below is a video that discusses the trials and tribulations of what might just happen if you have to go out of your way to share something with one person in an effort to not share it with someone else. As the video shows, things can go beyond the expected.

source: TWiT (YouTube)

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