How big is the update? Big enough to have Google Plus head Vic Gundotra so excited as to not sleep the whole night. The update will bring Google+ to version 3.3 on Android, and the update is expected later on today, just a day after Facebook brought its new, now native app for Android (coincidence?).
But let’s quickly go through the biggest new features of Google+ that you’d get later on today:
- New photo capabilities - now with Instant Upload you can back up as much as 5GB of your images. Photo Sphere panoramas are also now viewable on devices running Android 2.2 (and later).
- Events and communities - the mobile Google+ application now supports communities. You can also send out messages to individual guests for events.
- Hangouts - now you only need a 150KB connection to start a hangout! Great news as you might be able to start a hangout even after you run out of your data allowance, on throttled speeds.
- General tweaks - you can now quickly edit your profile, get a gentle notice for new posts and animated emoticons.
Hit the source link for all the tiny little details, and stay tuned - the update should be out on Google Play in mere hours!
source: Google

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