Thanks to the good people of Cyanogen, there will soon be a custom Android 4.2.1 ROM that you will be able to install on your GS IIIs. There's not that much info at the moment, but CyanogenMod's Steve Kondik has teased us with a screenshot of the About page of the Samsung T999, which is the T-Mobile version of the handset. Somehow, we're far from thinking that CM will develop the ROM for this version only.
Here's the message by Mr. Kondik: "Just a few more days of work left and I expect we’ll have nightlies going for all the D2s. 4.2 is super smooth.”
You hear that, guys, it'll be super smooth! And it's within just a few days, so make sure to have everything ready - a rooted Galaxy S III, USB cable that's long enough and a wrench should be enough!
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