This really isn't a surprise, but word has it that Apple execs are really angry at how this all played out from the widespread panning of Apple Maps, the myriad jokes about Apple's screwed up maps app, and of course Google riding in to save the day with a great maps application. The thing that confuses us a bit is exactly why Apple execs would be so angry given that they brought all this on themselves.
Sure, there are rumors that Google was withholding turn-by-turn and vector graphics from the baked-in iOS Google Maps of old, but it was still Apple's choice to cut ties with Google when there was still a year left on the deal in order to put out its own maps app which was clearly not ready for prime time.
And, it could get even worse for Apple if developers make use of the SDK that Google released with its new iOS Google Maps, and start bypassing Apple Maps in favor of hooking directly into Google Maps on iOS devices.
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