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Android Port-A-Thon for BlackBerry 10 to start on January 11th

Android Port-A-Thon for BlackBerry 10 to start on January 11thIf you have an Android flavored app that you would like to see included in BlackBerry App World prior to the launch of BlackBerry 10, you might want to take part in the Android Port-A-Thon for BlackBerry 10. RIM has a pot of $500,000 USD to distribute to developers who port over their apps. Those who do will get $100 for each app up to a maximum of 20 (that's $2,000 folks!) and those who submit at least five apps will receive an entry for a drawing to win a free BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha Device. RIM will give away 100 of these phones with a limit of one per vendor. Every app you submit over five gives you an additional entry

Developers could win a BB10 Dev Alpha handset
Developers could win a BB10 Dev Alpha handset
To enter the Port-A-Thon, you need to register with RIM, which you can by clicking on the sourcelink. RIM suggests that you download signature keys in advance because it does take time that could cost you the opportunity to earn some money. The Canadian manufacturer also suggests that you select the signature keys for the BlackBerry PlayBook OS and forBlackBerry 10 OS and higher. You should also load up your laptop with BlackBerry tools and plug-ins. You will also need your full source code file, images and icons. RIM has some links to helpful information which you can find at RIM's developer blog.

The Android Port-A-Thon for BlackBerry 10 starts on January 11th at noon and ends on January 12th at 11:59pm. RIM CMO Frank Boulben has said that BlackBerry App World world be filled with 70,000 apps by the time BB10 launches. Will any of them be yours? RIM CEO Thorsten Heins said that the size of an app store doesn't matter and that RIM will focus on the top 200 to 400 apps in each region for the launch of BlackBerry 10.

source: Port-A-ThonRegistrationBlackBerrydevelopersblog v
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