When Ben Dreyfuss ordered a refurbished Apple iPhone for his mom from Amazon for Christmas, he was hoping to get a steal. Little did he know. This morning, his mom finds a package under the tree and opens it. She is jumping for joy because she now owns an Apple iPhone and while it is refurbished, it is supposed to work and look like new. So she calls Verizon to activate the model and finds out that the unit in her hand was reported stolen. Not exactly the steal that Ben was hoping for.
Being Christmas, you might expect that mom and son found it impossible to contact Amazon. But through the online retailer's "Contact Us" page, they were able to leave a message for the skeleton staff working at Amazon on the holiday. And by typing "STOLEN ITEM" (in caps, of course) under the short summary of issue, the message must have caught someone's attention because Amazon actually called.
After what must have been an interesting conversation, Amazon told Ben to return the phone. We're not sure if Amazon is merely going to credit the son, leaving mom short one Apple iPhone, or if they are going to send out another refurbished unit. Either way, we're sure that Amazon will leave the customer satisfied because a retailer doesn't grow as big as the online retailer has without keeping customers happy.
source: @bendreyfuss
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