Yep, this short lyrical introduction is all about the smartphone, the only one device in the house your kids probably want to use more than you do. And we are sure the same applies for tablets.
And that’s no coincidence. We have some brilliant application for kids for the Holidays, that might not replace books, but are definitely as addictive.
And trust us, even you as a grown-up should check out this list. We’ve included interactive books, games and puzzles, starting from apps for the littlest to toddlers, and older. Most of the apps are really great looking and entertaining, and we’ve done our best to cherry pick the best out there on app catalogs to help you entertain yourself and junior these Holidays.
Don’t hesitate to let us know which apps did you download and which apps your kids loved the most? Got any other favorites? Let us know about them in the comments right below.
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