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WP8's WordFlow Twitter is zen nonsense

WP8's WordFlow Twitter is zen nonsenseThis is the type of idea that we've always loved. The simple zen of an algorithm espousing wisdom and nonsense in equal measure. Just type a word into Windows Phone 8's WordFlow and release the magic onto Twitter.

WordFlow in Windows Phone 8 is similar to many other keyboard prediction algorithms like you would find in the 
WP8's WordFlow Twitter is zen nonsense
Android 4.x keyboard, SwiftKey, and others. When used in regular typing, it works quite well to speed up your text input, but if you turn over the entire process to it, the results can be pretty funny. 

With that in mind, someone has put together the WPWordFlow Twitter feed. A few of our recent favorites are: "Mo money or red velvet cupcakes", "On a mission from the law to treat you like a baby", and "CD player in my car is an independent state of Israel". 

It's some solid zen nonsense, and it makes us wonder why we haven't seen something like this for SwiftKey yet.

source: WPWordFlow Twitter 
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