The first is a new ad called "Photos" (the previous one was named "Piano") which continues the same layout of the first ad with a full-sized Apple iPad on the left and the Apple iPad mini on the right. A series of photographs is displayed with the picture on the mini being a continuation of the picture on the full-sized tablet. For example, in one shot the full-sized iPad on the left shows a girl talking into a tin can phone with a string running across the screen. The iPad mini on the right shows another girl with the other end of the tin can phone to her ear. "Two of a Kind," which was recorded by Bobby Darin and Johnny Mercer in 1960, plays in the background.
The next new ad is called "Books" and similar to the other ads, we once again have a full-sized fourth-generation Apple iPad on left and the Apple iPad mini on the right. The full sized tablet shows a book title and the iPad mini displays a book title with an opposite word or a related title. For example, the tablet at left shows "East of Eden" while the mini displays "How the West Was Won". One tablet displays "Moby Dick" and the other shows "Gone Fishing". We think that no further explanation is needed.
These might be the spots that you will see for the next few weeks on prime time television and during major sporting events. With the U.S. Election cycle over, political ads will surely be replaced with spots for consumer electronics and gadgets like these two. You can check on the newest pair of ads for the Apple iPad mini by clicking on the videos below.
source: YouTube (1), (2)
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