Time for an intervention? According to a new study conducted by Baylor
James Roberts, Ph.D, co author of the study
University and published in the Journal of Behavioral |
Addictions, cellphone and text messaging addictions are based on the same consumption pathologies like
compulsive buying and
credit card misuse.
Part of a pattern of conspicuous consumption, cellphone addiction
relates back to materialism and impulsiveness. The study's co-author,
James Roberts, Ph.D, pointed out that young adults send an average of
3200 texts a month. That breaks down into an average of 109.5 texts sent
daily, and 113 received. He adds that such cellphone owners check their
phone 60 times per day. Instead of writing it off as a "
passing fad," Roberts says that "
an emerging body of literature has given increasing credence to cell phone addiction and similar behavioral addictions."
to Dr. Roberts (Beatle fans, take note), 90% of college students own a
cellphone (67% of those 18-24 own a smartphone) and the ever increasing
functionality of them leads to their over use. The author of the study
goes on to say that a majority of young people claim that losing their
cellphone would be a
disaster to
their social life. 60% of the 191 college undergraduates (all business
students) surveyed for the paper, felt that they
were addicted to their cellphone.
do you feel when you are without your handset because it is broken or
because you just plain forgot to take it with you? Is there an empty
hollow feeling inside? Do you get withdrawal-like symptoms that continue until you have your phone back
in your hand? It all relates to dopamine and serotonin levels that rise
when we get pleasure from our phone. That leads to the desire to use
the device again and again.
The way we see it, if you're not
ignoring others to check Instagram, or driving while texting, or
replacing human connection with a silicon one, there is nothing wrong
with having your cellphone by your side at all times. And there is one
addiction we would never want to see you end. That is the one that keeps
you coming back to PointMaza.
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