Use Tab Scissors to split tabs into two separate windows, and use Tab Glue to combine tabs across multiple windows into one window.
If you are like me and spend the majority of the workday online, then you likely reach a point each day where you become overwhelmed by the number of open browser tabs, with dozens upon dozens opened as one bit of research spawned various other searches in any number of direction.
I recently discovered two Chrome extensions that help you manage this tab overload. One --Tab Scissors -- lets you split a group of tabs into two windows, while the other -- Tab Glue -- glues all of your tabs back into one window.

Both extensions could not be more simple to use. Each places a button to the right of the address bar in Chrome. Click the Tab Scissors button (the one with the scissors icon, natch) to create a new window with your active tab and all of the tabs to its right. The tabs to left of your active tab remain. Tab Scissors treats pinned tabs as regular tabs. I found Tab Scissors helpful to create a separate group of tabs, which I could then easily bookmark.
There is one slight glitch with Tab Glue. When it glues your tabs into one window, all of the tabs show up at their narrowest setting, even when there is space for them to be wider. Simply create a new tab or resize your Chrome window to allow the tabs to fill any empty space in your Chrome window.Going the other way, if you have Chrome tabs littered across numerous windows, click the Tab Glue button (with the orange Elmer's Glue top icon) to combine all of your open windows into one. This new window will have all of your tabs arranged in the same order as they were in their individual windows, and your active tab remains active. Go to Tab Glue's options (Window > Extensions) and you'll find but one setting, but it's useful. It lets you apply Tab Glue to minimized windows (or not). There are no settings for Tab Scissors.
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