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Samsung Galaxy S III Android 4.1.1 update scheduled November 26th for Vodafone Australia

Samsung Galaxy S III Android 4.1.1 update scheduled November 26th for Vodafone Australia
The Samsung Galaxy S III is getting updated Monday by Vodafone Australia
The Samsung Galaxy S III is getting updated Monday by Vodafone Australia
Those still packing' Android 4.0 on their Samsung Galaxy S III might start to feel a little left out. The latest carrier set to update the device appears to be Vodafone Australia, which is informing its contingent of S3 owners to expect Android 4.1.1 to start rolling out on Monday. Not only is the mobile operator releasing the date that the update will start, but it is also releasing the time of day. The excitement begins at 1pm local time as Android 4.1.1 will start rolling out in waves, meaning that it will take two weeks for the update to be complete.

The update is being sent out OTA, but for those who can't wait, a hookup to the ol' PC and the use of Samsung Kies will coax out Android 4.1.1 manually. Vodafone's main competitors in the country, Telus and Optus, already offer the LTE enabled Samsung Galaxy S III with Jelly Bean installed, so Vodafone is playing catch up in Australia.

In the U.S., Sprint was the first carrier to disseminate Android 4.1 to its Samsung Galaxy S III users while some T-Mobile customers claimed to have received the update a week and a half ago. A leaked version of the update, believed to be the final build for Verizon customers with the model, was spotted a couple of weeks ago making Big Red's Samsung Galaxy S III owners the favorites to get Jelly Bean next.

source: Vodafone,
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