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Microsoft Surface chokes on a glass of wine after being freeze-dried and oven-baked

Microsoft Surface chokes on a glass of wine after being freeze-dried and oven-bakedAfter Steven Sinofsky made the famous skateboard publicity stunt on a Microsoft Surface, the poor magnesium alloy chassis has been subjected to many more torture efforts, including being run over.

The thorough journalists that they are, those folks from CNET decided that a few of the basic entries in the Great Torturer Handbook haven't been covered yet, so they made a new video.

There the Microsoft Surface gets put in the freezer - still worked, put in an oven to use as a pan for egg baking - still worked, and spilled a glass of wine onto - that short-circuited the thing and the screen went kaput. 

Afterwards, it was free for all over there - the egg was cut with the Touch Cover, the skateboard stunt was recreated, and the unsuspecting slate was tossed in the air, finally giving up the ghost completely with a cracked screen and all. Watch the festivities below.
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