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LG Optimus 7 likely not getting Windows Phone 7.8

LG Optimus 7 likely not getting Windows Phone 7.8Those of you who are holding on to their aging, yet trusty LG Optimus 7 smartphones are in for some pretty sad news. It looks like the device isn't going to receive the Windows Phone 7.8 update and will be stuck with 7.5 Refresh 'till the end of time. (Or until it breaks and gets replaced.) 

Word comes from an LG representative in Poland, who provided the following response to a customer concerned about the new software's release: "Please note that it is not expected to introduce software update for your version of the E900 to 7.8". Or at least that's the interpretation Google Translate provided for us.

The reason why the LG Optimus 7 isn't getting the update isn't clear. What we don't know either is exactly which legacy Windows Phone handsets will get the new software. However, evidence suggests that the Nokia Lumia 900 and Lumia 800 are on the list. Microsoft's Ben Rudolph demonstrated Windows Phone 7.8 on the former, and back in September, the latter device was caught running the update.   

Nevertheless, we hope that LG will eventually change its mind and will make sure its loyal Windows Phone users get treated to an update. If rumors are to be believed, Windows Phone 7.8 should start rolling out in the near future.

source: wp7.com.pl 
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