The full list of games on sale can be found at the source, and it is extensive, so we'll just give some highlights. From EA, Plants vs Zombies for iPad and iPhone have dropped from $6.99 to just $0.99, and Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Dead Space (iPad and iPhone), and Monopoly are all down from $9.99 to $0.99. On EA's universal games, Burnout Crash is $0.99, andFIFA Soccer 13 is $2.99. From SEGA, ChuChu Rocket (iPad and iPhone) is just $0.99, and Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 is $2.99. Both PAC-MAN and Ms. PAC-MAN are $1.99 each from Namco Bandai. And, from CAPCOM, Street Fighter X Tekken is $0.99.
There are a lot more games available on sale. Just be careful to check whether the game you're buying is for iPad, iPhone, or if it is a universal app, because not all games work on all Apple devices.
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