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Here is what a Samsung Galaxy S III costs second hand

Here is what a Samsung Galaxy S III costs second handSeveral months have already passed since the Samsung Galaxy S III was released by the major U.S. wireless carriers. Most of the people who have bought one are probably still holding on to it. Nobody can blame them for doing so since the Galaxy S III is a pretty awesome smartphone. Having played with it for a long time now, we aren't surprised that the device has been selling by the truckloads.

A fraction of Samsung Galaxy S III owners, however – users who want to get rid of the smartphone for one reason or another, have tried selling it to someone looking for a second-hand unit. And it is quite interesting to know that the price of a used Galaxy S III may vary significantly, depending on a number of factors. These factors include not only its storage capacity and the time it has been used for, but also its color and the carrier it is attached to, as it is described in the infographic below.

Research has shown that the most valuable second-hand Samsung Galaxy S III model is the one sold by T-Mobile. Sprint's version, however, is on the other end of the spectrum as used units are being sold for about $100 less. The white Galaxy S III is, without a doubt, the most sought-after variant of the smartphone.

Interested to learn more about used Samsung Galaxy S III smartphones and what they cost second-hand? Then don't hesitate to check out the infographic below!

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source: Movaluate

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