Well, they all can't be major updates with huge changelists. What we're referring to is the minor update that will soon be sent out, bringing version 3.10.9 of the Google Play Store to Android handsets. This version is similar to what Android 4.2 brings, but with some changes. First, you might have mixed feelings about the new screen that pops up when you are the midst of installing an app. It might be considered a little helpful since it displays other apps that users of the title you're downloading have installed. But it is an extra step in the process and will probably be looked upon as unnecessary. To get past that page to the regular installation screen that we all know and love, simply click on "Keep Shopping".
Another change is for those whose phone is set up for a language other than English. The 'Translate' button next to the app description will allow those who use another language to understand the descriptions of certain apps. It will translate to the language that you've declared when setting up your phone.
The update adds new permissions based on location, ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION. It is possible that both are related to a new feature that allows you to 'Improve these recommendations' on the 'Recommended for You' screen. The improvements apparently are based on adding people you know to your Google + circles. Toss in your location and add the whole thing to the recommendation algorithm and you have a new, improved list of recommendations.
You can pick up the apk from the sourcelink, or just wait for the update to be pushed to your phone.
source: AndroidPolice
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