Richardson was a lookout during the Apple iPad mini robbery while his two man gang used a forklift to load two pallets of Apple's 7.9 inch tablet onto a truck. After being questioned by an co-worker not involved in the incident, the two drove away with the stolen merchandise.
The NYPD locked onto Richardson after his fellow workers told them that the day of the heist, Richardson kept inquiring when the shipment of Apple iPad minis would arrive. He also asked around about where he might be able to find a forklift. If you are planning on stealing 3,600 units of a tablet from an airport, asking incessantly about when the devices will arrive is not smart. And if you plan on using a forklift to commit the crime, asking co-workers where you might find one could lead to the finger of suspicion being pointed directly at you.
Port Authority detectives found out about Richardson's inquiries and quickly tracked him down. The FBI arrested him and he led detectives on a search for the truck throughout Long Island. At this point, it is not known if the truck containing the Apple iPad mini tablets has been found and the FBI will not comment. The value of the stolen tablets has been placed at $1.9 million.
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