Somebody at Google must have been tipped off because all of the fake apps have been removed. But the real question is, how did they get into the Google Play Store in the first place? This would be an excellent time for Google to do some investigating. In the meantime, if you did purchase the apps, you might just have to write them off as a loss or perhaps an email to Google will result in the charges being reversed. Whatever you do, you need todelete the apps immediately and pass the word on to your Android totin' buddies.
Before they were taken down, one purchaser of the fake iPhoto app gave it a 1-star review and said, "Wont open says not connected to internet when i am [sic]." If you did happen to purchase one of the six apps, or more, let us know what your experience was if you opened them, by leaving your comments in the box below.
source: Reddit
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