Install the Timehop iOS app to receive daily reminders of what you were doing on this date last year.

Being reminded of what you were doing exactly one, two, or even three years ago to the day can leave you feeling a bit nostalgic. And that's exactly what the Timehop iOS app accomplishes.
We talked about Timehop once before, when it was an e-mail-only service. You would sign up by linking your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Foursquare, and Flickr accounts to the service. Then each morning you'd receive an e-mail containing your tweets, links, check-ins, updates, and photos from exactly one year (or longer) ago.
Later, sharing options were added. You could share an event you may have been particularly proud of celebrating its anniversary, or something you'd forgotten about, but the process was cumbersome. You'd click a link in the e-mail, launch your browser, click a few more buttons, possibly log into another account and then finally share it.
Last month, Timehop set out to make the entire service a bit more user friendly. The Timehop iOS app was released, allowing iPhone owners to forgo the daily e-mail. Instead, once a user sets up the app on their device, the e-mail is deactivated and they will begin receiving a push notification each day as their Timehop becomes available.
When looking through your past timeline, you can then easily share an event, either to one of the supported social networks, or within the Timehop app itself. Sharing within the app will only be visible by fellow Timehop iOS users you're friends with on any of the respective social networks.
One of my favorite parts of the Timehop app can be found in Settings. It's called Ghost Mode. When Ghost Mode is turned on, you'll receive push notifications the instant an event occurred in the past. So if at 8:02 a.m. one year ago today you sent a tweet saying "mmm coffee" you'd receive an alert at 8:02 a.m. reminding you that your past self was enjoying coffee at this exact time last year.
I have reached out to Timehop regarding plans for an Android version of the app and will update this post once I have heard back. But in the meantime, if you're an iOS user you can follow the link below to download the app.
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