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Blaast CEO says Android will capture 75% of emerging markets

Blaast CEO says Android will capture 75% of emerging marketsThe CEO of Finnish company Blaast, Joonas Hjelt, says that Android will capture 75% of the smartphone sales in emerging markets thanks to a variety of low priced handsets in areas like Indonesia. Created in 2010, Blaast has developed a platform to distribute bundled apps to mid-range handsets, helping carriers in the area sell more data plans.

Blaast lets you load many popular apps in one download
Blaast lets you load many popular apps in one download
Blaast will launch its Android application store with Indonesia's second largest carrier, XL Axiata, and it will be pre-installed on the Sony Xperia J handset. Operators in Malaysia and Bangladesh have already installed Blaast on basic models. Blaast bundles apps such as Facebook, Twitter and Wikipedia with one free download on over 2000 handsets and saves users as much as 90% of the data they would normally use to access the same apps. Visit the sourcelink if you have an interest in installing it on your phone.

Android models costing less than $200 have driven sales of the OS in emerging markets and if Hjelt is right, the green robot will even outperform its global marketshare in this area of the world where Apple can't compete on price.
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