This is how the story begins for the latest Angry Birds game, this time settled in the epic universe of Star Wars. We know what's the first question on your mind - how is this Angry Birds different from the previous ones? It's safe to say that Angry Birds Star Wars introduces many new gameplay elements that make it a whole new kind of experience. Basically, your birds will now be able to use lightsabers, blasters and the force in order to destroy the evil pigtroopers. You've got to admit - this drastically changes things! And not only that, but now you can also level-up your birds in order to improve their skills.
Right now, the game features 80 levels, which is quite good, and Rovio promises to deliver free updates which will bring even more levels. Additionally, you can unlock 40 special challenge levels featuring master Yoda through an in-app purchase.
Angry Birds Star Wars costs $0.99 for iPhone (3GS and up) and $2.99 for iPad (all iPads).
May the birds be with you!
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