Learn how to adjust the default properties for each YouTube video, saving time when uploading new content.
Instead of spending your time filling out the form every time you want to upload a video, why not just adjust the default settings ahead of time? You may not be able to fill in every field and have it apply to all of your uploads, but it's a good time-saver even if you just fill out a few of them. Here's how:If you're sharing a lot of video content on the Web, YouTube is probably one of your primary hosting spots. Adding extra information to a video can help other people find your content, which means it's easier for you to reach a larger audience. When you have a copyright notice, or other lengthy information to tack on to your video, filling it out each time can become tiring.
Step 1: Log in to your YouTube account in a Web browser, click your username at the top right-hand corner of the Web page, and then go to Settings.
Step 2: On the left-hand side of the page, you'll need to click on the Defaults option under Channel settings.
Step 3: Fill in the information that will likely apply to most of your uploads, such as the privacy level, category, licensing, general tags (like geolocation data or subject matter) and even location if you aren't traveling much.
Now each video you upload will have this information attached to it.
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