The Pictionary inspired Draw Something is not as popular as it was earlier in the year when the money was rolling in so fast, Zynga decided to purchase the game's developer for $180 million. We've already chronicled what has happened to Zynga since the purchase, and the steps it is taking to right itself. Words with Friends is a Scrabble-like game and the beauty of both is that you can find random opponents across mobile platforms and play at your own pace.
Draw Something and Words with Friends are both now available at the Windows Phone Marketplace for $2.99 each. When you have time to kill and you have nothing to kill it with, you will be happy to have these two titles loaded on your Windows Phone 7 or Windows Phone 8 model. If you're looking to buy the games, click on the appropriate sourcelink below.
source: WindowsPhoneMarketplace (WWF), (DS)
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