Right now, there are 736,247 apps active on the App Store, and 45% of them, or 336,270 apps are paid. Interestingly, around 15% of those are games - there are 120,065 games on Apple’s app catalog.
If you are wondering why we are speaking about 1 million submitted apps and only around 736,000 in the application store, it is because some developers are removing their apps from the store. And in reality, that number should be even bigger, if it could account for apps rejected upon submission.
This is just another example showing how big of an industry apps have grown to be. And while iOS is the biggest platform, paying out the most to developers, Google’s Play app catalog caught up with the App Store and Google approximates the number of apps it has at around 750,000. The Windows Phone Marketplace is a distant third with around 125,000 applications.
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