TAYLOR Swift is worried she’ll never have a relationship that lasts forever.
The singer, 22, has dated John Mayer, Jake Gyllenhaal and Joe Jonas and insists her mind is constantly filled with thoughts of both “faith and disbelief” about romance and she worries true love will not be part of her future.
“I think that one thing I’m really afraid of is … that magic doesn’t last,” she said. “That butterflies and daydreams and love, all these things that I hold so dear, are going to leave some day. “I haven’t had a relationship that’s lasted forever. I only know about them starting and ending. Those are my fears. I spend a lot of time balancing between faith and disbelief.” Taylor insists she isn’t worried about “looking youthful forever” but she is keen to have a young person’s mentality for as long as she can get away with it. “I think there’s something we have as little kids that goes away sometimes. I don’t care about looking youthful forever, but I care about seeming youthful,” she said.
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