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Nokia Lumia 820 and Lumia 920 get the teardown treatment

Nokia Lumia 820 and Lumia 920 get the teardown treatmentYou know the saying, “it’s what’s inside that counts.” It is pretty much universally agreed that the new Nokia Lumia 820 and Lumia 920 are pleasant to behold (at least as far as smartphones go).

Why would anyone want to butcher such beautiful gadgets? To see what is inside of course! The guys at WindowsMania.pl in Poland got their hands on a couple of Lumias, whipped out the chainsaws and got to chopping. What they found is pretty much what one would find inside any late-generation smartphone.

Along with the pictures of their handy works is a layout diagram so you know which part is which. They did not do a complete teardown in that certain components remained assembled, such as the layers that make up the display. Despite that, it is pretty impressive just how few parts there are.

While it is rarely advisable to assume anything, we will go out on a limb and guess that the teardown of the 820 is also representative of what one might find inside T-Mobile’s upcoming Lumia 810 or Verizon’s Lumia 822.

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