It has been rumored for some time now that Nokia was working on tablets, even before the whole agreement with Microsoft emerged. There has been talk that a new tablet may be forthcoming this year. Aside from these patent drawings, we know precious little about what might make the devices tick, or have a real measure of their dimensions.
One of the designs is definitely reminiscent of the Nokia N9 or Lumia 800 and 900. The other design appears to be a bit more traditional, yet both would seem at home in Nokia’s offering.
That these patents were granted back in 2011, and that have seen nary a peep to feed the rumors, it seems highly unlikely that either of these would make a splash with the release of Windows 8. Based on Elop’s comments last month however, it would be somewhat safe to say that Nokia will have a tablet offering, but probably not right away while the company concentrates on the handset and mapping businesses which will yield the biggest bang for the buck.
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