Take the dog that just tore apart a retail box with the handset in it, for example, looking suspiciously like an iPhone 5. It looks up the camera with that adorable expression dogs have when they have just eaten the whole steak off the kitchen tablet, and the tagline says “Forget about this one, now you can switch to Lumia”, as part of Nokia's #switch campaign. That's from Wednesday.
From today, we have someone demonstrating how you can play Angry Birds with a banana on Nokia's ultra-sensitive touchscreen, that will see the light of day for the first time in the Lumia 920. Judging from the old logo and the previous version of WP the handset is running, though, this is either an early Lumia 920 prototype, or something else with the super-sensitive display layer slapped on it in the labs.
What do you think about the way Nokia is taking with commercials lately - likely to backfire or taking the competition head-on?
source: Nokia (Facebook)
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