Sometimes things just work out. You have to reach for the stars, and not be afraid to hear the word "no". Take this guy, who for our purposes will remain nameless. Having just purchased the 8GB Google Nexus 7 tablet from Staples, he took a flyer and called the store (which is located in Kissimmee, Florida home to Walt DisneyWorld) and found out that the store had three 32GB variants of the tablet in stock. So he hightailed it over to the store where he exchanged the 8GB model for the 32GB tablet, paying the difference of course.
So what we have discovered from all of this that the 32GB Google Nexus 7 was really not supposed to be available until October 29th, which is the same date as the Google event in NYC being held in the morning. We can be fairly confident that the 32GB variant of the tablet will be introduced at the event. Now turning to all important pricing situation, at $249, the price that the Kissimmee store charged, the 32GB model would be the same price as the 16GB tablet. Staples says that it will be cutting the 16GB version to $199 on the 29th and while that would match the price of the 8GB model, Staples plans on removing the 8GB Google Nexus 7 from its lineup. While we can't be certain, this could be what Google plans on doing with the Google Nexus 7 in the Google Play Store. By the way, the owner of the 32GB tablet is left with a shade under 28GB of free space after system resources are accounted for.
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