The next time a friend or family member asks you where they should eat dinner, or where to find the best sushi in town, use this fun Web site to show them.
What do you feel like for dinner? Where can we go for amazing pizza? Replace the last word of either question with another meal or food type, and you have the two most dreaded questions on the face of the earth. Maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but I think we can all agree neither question is a welcome one.

The next time you hear either question, calmly open up the closest Web browser, be it mobile or desktop, and type into the address bar. If the question included a food category, enter it into the search field, if not ask for one or just enter a random category. Click Search.

You should then see a link populated in the text field located next to the Go button. Copy it and send it to the friend or family member who had asked for advice.
The recipient of the link will then be directed to the site, but this time will be greeted with an animation showing them how to use Foursquare's Explore feature. Once the animation is over, they will be redirected to Foursquare Explore with a list of nearby venues matching the search criteria. If for some reason it pulls up a random city, just click on the location icon to get local results.
Patronizing a friend or family member with a simple search may not be the best approach, but sometimes you just can't help yourself.
Yes, this isn't a new idea, has been around for awhile. Let me Foursquare that for you is a nice play on that idea, and one that will hopefully lead to quicker decisions of where to eat in the future.
All this talk of food is making me hungry. Hey, anyone know where I can get some good sushi?
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