Team Coco is exceptionally talented at poking fun at just about everyone. Simply put, you are just trying to fill a void in your sad life. That is what Team Coco has to say about it. They have written a lovely little bit for your enjoyment. Here are the lyrics so you can sing along:
Spend your money, spend your money,
Spend your money, spend your money,
You will buy
Anything that we put
Into the store
No matter how minute the
Are to the previous model
You're just trying to fill the empty void in your sad life
Spend your money, spend your money,
You will buy
Anything that we put
Into the store
No matter how minute the
Are to the previous model
You're just trying to fill the empty void in your sad life
Catchy little tune, yes? With the right amount of practice and a bit of production work, all of us may compose equally powerful works across our iPads and iPad Minis.
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