Of course, it doesn’t literally send what you can smell to your buddies. Rather, it has a predefined set of smells that you can send to a friend with the same Chat Perf gizmo. Then, it’d release that smell. Simple as that. Here’s a rundown of possible implementations:
・You could send a smell that matches a favorite scene from one of your games while your playing with a friend.
・A tourist attraction could give gift-smell tanks to guests of aromatic yaku cedar, sure to get them to come again.
・You could receive the sweat smell of your favorite idol during a concert, fans caught up in the moment would go wild! [emphasis added]
・You could include a pleasant scent with a news letter.
Should we tell you that this is made in Japan? Weirdness? Check. Close to zero practicality? Check. But it’s fun, you can’t argue. Yours for around $62.
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