David Murray, lead investor of MicroLatch — an Australian fingerprint security start-up — has reportedly informed The Australian that the company has inked a deal with Apple, in order to provide its security technology to the Cupertino giant. However, no additional details have been disclosed.
According to the source, MicroLatch owns patents in the area of "self-registering fingerprint biometrics", which seem to provide a level of security similar to that required by banks around the world.
Apple is believed to engage in these partnerships because of interest in joining the mobile payments game. Some say that it has already made the first mode by creating the Passbook app, which is used to store all of a user's digital coupons, tickets, gift cards, etc. But when are we going to be presented with the final product? You guess is as good as ours, though next year's iOS 7, or iPhone 6 look like very suitable occasions to launch such a service.
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